
South Pacific Christian Ministries

You Can Change A Life!

You Make a Difference!

We can make a dramtic impact on the small island communities throughout the South Pacific with your help. You may not be able to travel to those distant lands, but by enabling the work through your donations, you become a part of everything we do. The fruit of our labor becomes your fruit; the Blessings of our labor becomes your blessings, when you sow your financial seed into this ministry. Seed that will produce great fruit.

The ministry that we do and will do, changes lives now and for eternity. In fact, it is eternity that is the real focus. By touching lives that are often overlooked we become becons of God's Love drawing those who are lost to Him. By equiping believers in those places, we enable them to have a greater impact on their communities. You can be a part of this great work.

Be a Part!

Your monthly or one time donation makes a difference!

The best way to make a donation is via Zelle or by mailing us a check.   Please make your checks payable to South Pacific Christian Ministries.

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

As a registered non-profit organization in the State of Hawaii and a Church we are also qualified under 26 U.S. Code § 170(b)(1)(a)(i) for QCD from you Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Please give us a call for more information.  808-329-5312

The QCD rule allows tradional IRA owners to deduct their required minimum distribution on their tax returns if they give money to a non-profit organization.


You can also make a donation via GiveSendGo

Click Here To Donate


Please note: PayPal still using our original ministry name Bridges of Light Ministries.
We do encourage you to use GiveSendGo instead of PayPal. Their fees are lower.

Jean Krisle-Blasi

If you want to donation to Jean Krisle-Blasi of Kingdom Craftsman Ministries you can send a check made payable to South Pacific Christian Ministries or use the GiveSendGo button above. When donating by check please indicate the amount that you wish to donate to Jean's Ministry in a note. If donating via GiveSendGo, please email us with the donation amount and the date of the donation so that we can make sure her ministry receives it.  All amounts donated to her ministry will be sent to her.